Thursday, January 29, 2009

speaks in tongues
in my home
speaks in whirlwinds
attempting glory
when most are sleeping

speaks of loftiness
imparting darkness
to the night

wants more than she can have

deserves all
that she can want

with impatience

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

my 95 yr young grandmother
a true inspiration

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009

i've remembered that:
showing up
letting go
remembering (to enter this process)
again & again
and choosing (to do so)
is (what being in the creative cycle) is
to me

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Friday, January 23, 2009

it goes without saying
with my snappy little tongue
that words find their home
in that tiny little rung
-the one that goes upwards
the one that goes down,
the one that find peace
in the snap of a sound

this refers to the reeling
the gnawing, the climb
but also the sniper
the slither, the slime

this refers to the river
the big open shoes
the ladel, the cricket
-this rung knows no rules!

and after i'm finished 
with this little rhyme
i'll probably stop it- 
this silly little climb

for often 
what's needed
is sharing the game,
the way that my world works
and that's nothin' lame

Thursday, January 22, 2009

i have a million daily thoughts and reminders and ah-hahs and deep reflections or absolutely miniscule detailed images that travel around my heart and head and feed my soul- for which i wish i had a personal secretary.     or one of those notepads which hang around the neck with an attached pencil so as not to be lost, and to make notes for myself from the day. i actually mean more of the philosophical kind, not the laundry or shopping list kind- tho that would be practical in it's own right.      one of the things i'd like to make notes of is a repeated circling experience i have at different points in my life.... for example, when i've been out and about and feeling well in my skin, having nourished some particular aspect of personal need, and i'm on my way home... and i can perceive the energetic magnet of familiarity, of weighted patterns of behaviour, of the tendency to get caught up in/lost with my family &/or relationship life in the way of neglecting my creative needs, or to be in my own world, breathing deeply before a cup of tea OR WHATEVER...      and everytime i'm aware of this onset, this entering the potential of getting lost in the maze again, i ask myself to remember this feeling, this sensing my skin and its edges, and i ask myself if i am able to imagine entering it just a little bit differently this time. not because it's bad- it's a world that i love- but to offer the aspect of myself that tends to drown under the weight of habit and especially old, not-particularly-serving-habits and negative little cynicisms and simply going to bed too late for almost the entirety of my teenage & adult life- a new possibility of behaving, of being.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Monday, January 19, 2009

showing up
giggled today
my daughter

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Friday, January 16, 2009

Thursday, January 15, 2009

too many disconnected words 
to make meaning outa anything
but that's ok
i should be sleeping
and actually, i had hoped 
to let underworld creatures
guide me
in my dreams

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

every time i walk in these doors 
i am close to tears
sometimes they flow to the surface,
other times they just mingle inside
with the memories

today i was in this hospital again
and was reminded of the stories
i've painted here before;

they whispered to me about floor F
when inquiring about paperwork i needed
they spoke easily about floor E
which is where i stayed when my daughter was born

i wasn't given what i came for
but i left with an eerie sense of the forbidden,
the things we're supposed to hide

Monday, January 12, 2009

others have written about finding a word for 2009.   

scrap lists of resolutions- but find a word to hold onto as a friend. 
to use as a light, a reminder- a light reminder. 
and it's not something i've searched for but which has come to me anyway.


Saturday, January 10, 2009

Friday, January 9, 2009

IN THE VOID and still trusting.   dreams are rampant with internal visions and stories if i could only but take enough time to remember before running into my important little world. important and little as everybody else's world is. 

and today i'm grateful for the cool lunch i made. not one of the 6 kids or 2 adults sitting at our table complained. vitamins included. and that in itself is an accomplishment i'm damn proud of.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

went to sleep EARLY last night early after a string of outrageously unhealthy late nights. today i can't download pics and i'm pissed off.  teetering betwen high forms of inspiration, touching moments  aAND out-of-the-blue nasty grumpiness and self-wallowing. moodiness should be my middle name.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

cleaning out room to paint, moving boxes n clothes n things and clearing out inner and outer spaces and being incredibly lenient inside with how little has been produced on canvas or paper but it feels ok and i'm brainstorming like mad with ideas for exhibition in may slash birthday passage and i clearly need a brainstorm wall to bounce things off of because soon, aside from just getting otherwise started, i'll need to have also a plan.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sunday, January 4, 2009

actually, i feel scared today. 
don't know if it has anything to do with this dog shitting,
just liked the shot. 

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Friday, January 2, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009